About Us


I’m William Rader, and I’m the Founder of WellAttended. We are a box office management company that works with artists and organizations to help them sell tickets online, over the phone and at the door. Our clients have sold more than $1 million in tickets though our software.

I also produce a monthly magic show and a yearly magic convention in Denver, Colorado. And, I perform magic regularly at corporate and private events across the country.

My goal with the WellAttended Summit was to interview top entertainers to learn how they became successful and to understand what they are doing to stay at the top of their field.

I hope you enjoy watching these interviews as much as I enjoyed talking with our speakers. More importantly, I hope you apply the advice given in each lesson to grow your business.

Also, remember to have fun on your journey to success!

– William Rader

Get Access to Over 20 Interviews

You’ll learn how to accelerate your business growth, diversify your income, improve your selling skills, book more gigs, and sell out shows.
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